Sharayah Maurice's A Game Of Truth And Lies

History is in the making as the young royals from all four kingdoms converge in Gaellen to witness the union of Prince Fynnegan and Princess Alana, but with so many personalities together in one place, problems are bound to arise.

Princess Brynn doesn’t trust the royals from Zimerah. Especially when the tall, dark and handsome ambassador refuses to mind his own business. Determined to prove Kieran a liar, Brynn delves into his past and uncovers a shocking revelation that threatens the one thing she holds most the freedom to pursue her heart’s desire.

Griff is slowly but surely coming to accept the new direction his life has taken while getting to know the sister he never knew he had. Yet as the Oracle’s prophecy continues to unfold, Griff finds himself torn between two kingdoms that will force him to decide where his loyalties lie. 

With only six weeks until her marriage to Prince Fynnegan, Princess Alana prepares for her new role as Crown Princess of Gaellen. However, the forces determined to prevent the fulfillment of the alliance continue to pose a threat and this time, they just might succeed.

Interview with Halyn 

Hello Halyn. I’m delighted to speak with you today.

Likewise. Thank you for having me.

Of course! You’ve been a steady presence in Griff’s life. Can you tell me about how you two met?

Yes. I was around ten at the time—

*somewhere off stage* —you were nine!

Griff, this is my interview. Anyway, I was almost ten and Griff comes wailing into our hut, acting like he’s about to die.

*Griff’s voice off-stage* I was not—

Griff, this is Halyn’s interview. We did get to interview you last time, so if you would, please, let her speak?

Thank you. So he’s pouring blood from a small scratch above his eye. You know, head injuries bleed worse than any other place.

Okay, that’s it. *Griff steps on stage to sit next to Halyn.* It was NOT a small scratch. I had to have it sewn shut!

It was only two little ties, Griff. It didn’t even scar.

That’s because you are a miracle worker.

I only applied the tea tree oil. It naturally reduces scarring and with so little skin to repair…

Like I said, miracle worker.

Okay, well, Griff, I suppose you will be joining us?

I’m just here in support of Halyn. *whispers to Halyn* plus I couldn’t be apart from you.

*blushes* Fine, you can stay, but let me answer the questions.

*Griff mimes sealing his lips shut*

You two are adorable. I know many people have loved reading about your romance, but Halyn, you were first promised to Alo. How did you feel about that?

*takes Griff’s hand* I was told I’d marry the future chief of Hoken when I was twelve years old. At that point, I was already well on the way to falling in love with Griff. I assumed he would be the next chief so of course I was thrilled. Four years later, Alo is selected as the next chief and honestly, I didn’t want to believe it.

We kind of ignored it for awhile.

Hush, you. But yes, at first it was easy to pretend like it wasn’t my fate. We’d been friends for such a long time, so things just went on as usual. Then Alo started taking our betrothal seriously, seeking me out, inviting me on private walks, that’s sort of thing.

You must have been friends with Alo too, right?

Yes, we were often in each other’s orbits. Ever since I met Griff, we all hung out together pretty regularly. But it was always either the three of us, or just me and Griff. Then when Alo started inviting me out, that’s when things began to get…awkward, I guess?

I hated it.

Well regardless of how we felt about it, I was duty-bound to uphold the Oracle’s declaration. 

So, if Alo never died in the Great River, you would have married Alo even though you were in love with his brother?

I…I don’t know. Things didn’t turn out like that in the end so it’s really irrelevant.    

Point taken. How about we talk about you. Your story is so wrapped up in Griff’s, but I’m sure there’s more to Halyn Chumani. How would you describe yourself in just three words?

Smart, beautiful, brave.

Thank you, Griff, but she asked me to describe myself. I would say I’m resourceful, adaptable and loyal.

Okay, and why did you pick those three?

 I think resourcefulness is just ingrained in any Hoken. It’s essential to make the most of your resources in order to live the way we do in the forest. I think this naturally leads to being adaptable. Hokens make do in any situation and circumstance. When we’re subject to the All God’s natural environment, we have to adjust to each and every day. Finally, I’m very loyal to those that I love. *looks at Griff*

Yes, I think your steadfast support and commitment to Griff has been quite clear throughout your story thus far. Can you tell us what we might expect in the next chapter of your story?

Well I can’t give anything away, but I will say that I continue to be challenged in my resourcefulness and adaptability, and my loyalty will be tested more than it ever has before.

Ooo, riveting! I can’t wait to read all about it! Is there anything more you’d like to share today?

Our story is my favorite. *wraps his arm around Halyn*

*beams* Yes. And you’re my favorite part of our story.